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Are you thinking about making a change?


Do you already work in real estate and feel like you have greater potential than the status quo?  Or are you working in a field that doesn’t give you the same level of enjoyment it once did?  Whatever the case may be, the ASJ Team is a diverse group of individuals that has one common goal in mind:  success in all of our affairs.  We believe in maximizing our potential as agents, administrators, family members, friends, and beyond.  We are always seeking to bring on like minded individuals, and would love to speak with you!


Our team is designed to alleviate our agents of the many different hats that they have to wear on a daily basis.  The ASJ Team was designed with inspiration from Henry Ford’s assembly line system.  Our Client Care Coordinator position was created to streamline client acquisition and assist with preliminary tasks such as client pre-approval, search optimization, and general customer service based tasks.  Our Executive Assistant is a licensed Realtor that takes over operational tasks from the Client Care Coordinator once a property is under contract.  The ASJ Team's operational and administrative staff are what help set us apart from the competition.


To learn more about your opportunity to maximize your potential, reach out directly by sending us a message on the chat box.

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